The Effects Of Hydration On Your Skin (and how to prevent dehydration).

Your skin needs hydration to give it strength and elasticity and the healthy, plump look that we all want to achieve.
A strong, well-functioning lipid barrier is the foundation of healthy, glowing skin.
The lipid barrier is found in the Stratum Corneum of our skin, the outermost layer of the epidermis and consists of layers of dead skin cells and lipids (the skin's natural fats). These lipids play an essential role in the skin’s barrier function providing a barrier against the movement of water and electrolytes as well as a barrier against microorganism invasion.
Dr. Peter M. Elias, an Epidermal Biology Expert likened the Stratum Corneum to a brick wall where the skin cells act as bricks and the lipids act as the cement (mortar) keeping these bricks together.
This cellular "brick wall" helps to keep the moisture locked inside your cells.
The trouble is that the moisture-locking system doesn't always work as well as it should.
The skin gets dehydrated if the cells underneath the barrier lose too much water. When this happens the cells decrease and become shrivelled and fine lines and wrinkles become more noticeable.
We need to make sure we are always hydrated from the inside and our lipid barrier is strong and healthy to protect us from outside elements
How do we do this?
- Stay hydrated.
- Don't use synthetic skincare products.
- Don't over exfoliate.
- Use natural products that aid the rejuvenation process.
Nudiflora's revolutionary 100% active water soluble serums will help repair the lipid barrier and penetrate deep into the epidermis while our beautiful facial oils will protect the skin against outside elements and give you the plump, glowing skin that you have always wanted.
Personalising Hydration
The hydration of the body can be quite personal, it all depends on how we live and what we do. The only thing we can do is watch how we feel and act accordingly depending on climate, exercise and the food we eat. Somebody eating big salads and "wet" food will require less water. For example eating salty and spicy food will require more water.
Despite our best efforts, many of us fail to hydrate as well as we should.
Knowing when you need to boost your hydration are the first steps. Notice these early signs:
Excessive thirst
Dark coloured urine
The idea of 8 glasses of water came from a 1950's research that learned that the body uses 8 glasses of water a day and recommended that you stay hydrated, then in the next paragraph it says you get most of those 8 glasses of water from foods you eat. Unfortunately, the 8 glasses of water just stuck.
Water gets into your cells through small channels with help from electrolytes. A dehydrated cell has an imbalance of electrolytes and fluid, not just a lack of water. Electrolytes include calcium, potassium, magnesium and salt. If you drink too much water, you can dilute certain electrolytes and become dehydrated. When you're not thirsty and force yourself to drink a lot of water, this can cause various issues especially if you exercise. Water is important, but we don't get hydrated just from water.
The best ways to hydrate to balance electrolytes:
- Natural Spring or Mineral Water
- Coconut Water
- Milk
- Fruit or Vegetables
- A little fresh fruit juice added to your water can make it less boring and also add valuable electrolytes.
- A little rock or sea salt added to water.
Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water.